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Sustainable Fashion: On A Budget

Most of us do not have a million dollars just sitting around. We often opt for budget-friendly fast-fashion brands like Zara and Forever21 due to their affordability and wide range of choices. These brands, however, are not exactly sustainable. Quite the opposite.

Fast fashion brands generate millions of tonnes of waste, have a severe environmental impact, and lack ethical practices.

So, what is the alternative?

Sustainable fashion might seem pricey, considering the use of organic materials, natural dyes, and fair wages. It is a valid concern. Creating organic materials is challenging without pesticides, fertilizers, and genetic modification. Additionally, ensuring fair wages for everyone involved comes with its own set of costs.

Many believe building a green wardrobe requires splurging on designer items like Stella McCartney’s collection. However, the truth is that you do not need to buy every high-end piece to make your wardrobe more environmentally friendly.

In this article, I’ll share some practical tips on how you can enhance the sustainability of your wardrobe without breaking the bank. Let’s explore budget-friendly ways to make your fashion choices more eco-conscious.

Buy Less

The simplest and probably the easiest step on our list is to buy fewer clothes. I get it – we all enjoy shopping. Yet, I’m almost sure that each of you has at least five items in your closet that rarely see the light of day. By cutting down on our clothing purchases, we not only save money but also contribute to reducing the demand for resources. And here’s a fun alternative: if you crave a new outfit, consider borrowing something from a friend (just make sure to return it!).

Go Thrifting

Opting for thrifting is more sustainable than purchasing brand-new clothes because it gives items a second chance at life. Thrifting plays a part in reducing the demand for new clothing, resulting in fewer resources being used and less waste generated. Plus, it often comes with a budget-friendly price tag. Personally, I’ve stumbled upon some of my favorite designer pieces at more than half the original price through thrifting!

Admittedly, thrifting might require a bit of practice. It took me some time to navigate through various thrift stores and events before finding items that truly resonated with my style. However, with some experience, I’ve come to appreciate and love the thrifting experience.

Recycle Old Clothes

When you’re confident you’ve parted ways with an item, give it a new lease on life by passing it on. Consider gifting it to a friend who might appreciate it, or if you believe it still holds value, try selling it on platforms like Vinted or Depop. It’s a great way to make extra money from your old clothes.

If selling isn’t an option or you don’t have friends interested, consider donating the item to charity. Your old clothes can bring joy to someone else. And if all else fails and no one seems interested, get creative! Repurpose the item – use it as a cloth or find a way to mend another clothing item. There’s always a way to give your old belongings a new purpose.

Shop Responsibly

It is perfectly fine to treat yourself to new clothes occasionally! I’m not suggesting that every item has to come from a thrift store. However, it’s essential to be mindful when making new purchases. Ask yourself if you genuinely need the item and where you’ll wear it. If you believe it is a one-time wear, it might not be worth it.

Take a moment to check where the item is made and what materials are used. Awareness of the production process and materials helps you make more informed and sustainable choices. If you want affordable, sustainable clothing options, please check out my article for some recommendations.

But most of all, enjoy your new clothes and do not worry too much. In the end, it is the large corporations that are doing the most damage, and we can only try our best! 🙂

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